Sunday, July 10, 2011

Where Oh Where does the time go...

I seriously can not beleive Treyson is going to be ONE in less than 20 days.. :( It seems like yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital. But you sure have become a cute little guy! We love every minute we are with our lil' man! Lately Treyson has gotten super super busy.. He is up and down into everything, going in and out of Ali's doggy door. Trey loves to be outside, he would spend the whole day out side if it weren't so hot for mom and dad to be out there. He loves Ali to death, Ali is basically the only word he say's all day long. You will be playing with a toy standing up, and then realize you aren't holding onto anything and hury and sit down. You could totally walk, but you just won't take that step.. Mom's okay with that because then you will really be into everything. Treyson's favorite things to play with: shoes, Ali's toys, cords, Ali's dog dish. You don't really care to play with toys. Such a cute personality you have. You are really happy the majority of the time. Mom usually only has to get up once a night with you lately :) You are eating more table food. You went up to Grandma and Grandpa's and Aunt Randi's for a week while we went on a Cruise and we came home to a little boy that no longer wanted baby food, and could really scream (to get what you wanted). The boys loved having you up there to play with for a week.

Crashed out after the Torrey Parade

Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's at the 4th of July in Torrey

Patty cake with grandma Carla

Brogan-Kydan-Daitan (Richfield Parade)

Poop Deck, Outfit mom and dad brought back from the Carribean

Cousin Whitney feeding me and Daitan some yummy dessert

Playing in the Lazy River (St. George Library)

Fourth of July Parade (Torrey)

Trey's best buddy

Playing with my puppy dog

Mom giving me my first hair cut. 10  Months old

After my first hair cut

Mom and Dad on there Carribean Cruise

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