Sunday, March 15, 2009

LoViNg ThE NiCe WeAtHeR

So this weekend my husband and my friend Shauni's husband were out of town, Brits hubby just didn't want to go, so we decided we should go for a hike up to Zion. It was the BEST weather, we just needed to be in better shape (haha, but we made it). We went on the Emerald Pools hike.. It was nice it has 3 different ponds, so the further up the Mtn. you got it was a little cooler... This is the best time of year to go hike, I don't know how those crazys do it in the dead of the heat! But it was a lot of FUN!!! Thanks girls for the nice enjoyable Sunday!!




Our backyard is sooo close to being finished!!! We got all of our landscape rock in, boy was that a work out!! Shaun did a lot of wheelbarrow when I was off to work. SO the next day I was off, he told me I had to do the rest of it!! Holy cow that was tiring. We had to dump the rocks out in front of our house, plus we have a pretty step driveway, but we got it done.. This week when Shaun is home we will be laying sawed, yahoo!! I'll show the final product next week!! Then we can start having BBQ and Horse shoe tourneys in our yard!! :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

THE 4 TAG...

4 jobs I've had
Okay I've had a few, but this is just 5
~Cheveron/Subway (It was actually way fun to work there)
~Bloomington Dental
~Holladay Dental
~Pediatric Dentistry (BOOO haha)
~Riverside Dental

4 Movies I have or would like to watch over and over:
~Hmm I'm not a huge movie repeater fan..

4 of my favorite foods:
~Cafe Rio
~Brazil Mmmm its so good
~Texas Roadhouse
~Jimmy Johns

4 places I have lived:
~St. George
~St. George (I know pretty Boring)

4 people who email me regularly:

4 places I'd rather be:
~On a VACATION ANYWHERE Hint Hint shaun :)
~Lake Powell
~With my husband

4 things to look forward to this year:
~Lake Trips
~To be with Family/Friends
~Hopefully a Vacation to an Island
~My Birthday 4th July :)

4 people I tag:
~Whitney and who ever else wants to play....