Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Okay WOW, Sorry it has almost been 2 months since I have blogged! I guess that can tell you that we have been pretty busy!! I can't even remember doing what, but I i'll try and do my best :/ Be Prepared PICTURE OVERLOAD

Easter was a blast on our Hole In The Rock Trip, it was a VERY long bumpy road, but well worth the ride! It is amazing where the Pioneers went across and down the spot they did...

Easter egg hunt @ Devils Garden

My mom and Felicity
Me and Whit
Devils Garden
The Family
Hole In The Rock

I am now a LIV SXINNEY chick, I have some friends that kept telling me how much weight and how Healthy this Liv SXinney was, so I decided to try it out!! Let me just tell you, this product is AMAZING!! I just love it! It has made me feel so good, I can't believe what it has done for me.. Loose weight, Feel awesome, More energy, and making money at the same time!! Let me know if you want to read about it and see how amazing it is for your self, go check out www.zxoomers.com/albrecht
Liv fit' Liv SXinney'!!

Memorial weekend we got a group of Friends and headed down to Lake Powell!! It was a BLAST.. It was nice to get out and just relax and catch some rays Finally!! The weather wasn't to bad, but is did rain.. We kept saying, "We will take rain any day, as long as it's not the WIND"
The rain wasn't going to keep us from having a good time!! But anyhow, that is a few things we have done in the past few months..

Lindsey and I

Me and Lover Boy
All the GIRLS

The Boys Hanging out
Catching some Rays :)


Ashley~Me~Megan Headed to What Women Want

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

HaPPy EaSteR

So what is everyones plans for easter?? My family is planning on going to the Hole In The Rock... You take the Burr trail (by Boulder the town.. I think) and end up at Lake Powell at the Hole in the Rock.. I've been there by boat, but not by truck or 4-wheeler. I'm sure it will be a good time, but I just hope the weather is NICE!! I think there will be a couple of us that ride 4-Wheelers down.... Hopefully we don't get our selfs lost :/

Sorry it has taken me so long to post pictures of the finished YARD!! I'm just glad we got it done when the weather was acting like SPRING.. haha It has been a pretty weird Spring.. One day it is super nice and the next day it is blowing like crazy and snowing or raining!!! Oh well, we will live..

I'll post some pics of the ride to the Hole in the Rock if I make it... HOPE EVERYONE HAS A FUN EASTER!!

Notice that Shaun is the only one I have pics of working.. Don't let him kid ya, I really did work my Hindy off on the yard..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

LoViNg ThE NiCe WeAtHeR

So this weekend my husband and my friend Shauni's husband were out of town, Brits hubby just didn't want to go, so we decided we should go for a hike up to Zion. It was the BEST weather, we just needed to be in better shape (haha, but we made it). We went on the Emerald Pools hike.. It was nice it has 3 different ponds, so the further up the Mtn. you got it was a little cooler... This is the best time of year to go hike, I don't know how those crazys do it in the dead of the heat! But it was a lot of FUN!!! Thanks girls for the nice enjoyable Sunday!!




Our backyard is sooo close to being finished!!! We got all of our landscape rock in, boy was that a work out!! Shaun did a lot of wheelbarrow when I was off to work. SO the next day I was off, he told me I had to do the rest of it!! Holy cow that was tiring. We had to dump the rocks out in front of our house, plus we have a pretty step driveway, but we got it done.. This week when Shaun is home we will be laying sawed, yahoo!! I'll show the final product next week!! Then we can start having BBQ and Horse shoe tourneys in our yard!! :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

THE 4 TAG...

4 jobs I've had
Okay I've had a few, but this is just 5
~Cheveron/Subway (It was actually way fun to work there)
~Bloomington Dental
~Holladay Dental
~Pediatric Dentistry (BOOO haha)
~Riverside Dental

4 Movies I have or would like to watch over and over:
~Hmm I'm not a huge movie repeater fan..

4 of my favorite foods:
~Cafe Rio
~Brazil Mmmm its so good
~Texas Roadhouse
~Jimmy Johns

4 places I have lived:
~St. George
~St. George (I know pretty Boring)

4 people who email me regularly:

4 places I'd rather be:
~On a VACATION ANYWHERE Hint Hint shaun :)
~Lake Powell
~With my husband

4 things to look forward to this year:
~Lake Trips
~To be with Family/Friends
~Hopefully a Vacation to an Island
~My Birthday 4th July :)

4 people I tag:
~Whitney and who ever else wants to play....

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yes...We are so close to being finished:) Shaun and I have been working are behinds off this week on the yard!! Next step is landscape rock and grass... And then we will be finished!! Well, we will need a fence so Ali can hang out in are backyard.. Today we worked on the yard, then decided we should go for a hike with Ali. So we went out to Snow Canyon.. It's so pretty and it's only like 5 miles up the road, and that was my first time going there! How sad is that.. But I think we will be making more trips out there.. Shaun was so stoked about all the climbs he could do, and repelling.. So I think we will be going more.. Hopefully, well that's all for now!! Love Ya

I'll show pictures of the finished Yard soon :) But this is the wall we built, and some of the other bushes we planted.... and Snow Canyon pics..

Don't worry the palm trees aren't dead... They are supposed to look better soon... I hope anyhow

It will look a lot better once we get the grass and landscape rock in....
Shaun and ALI

The Sunset tonight!! SOOO Pretty

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Late V-Day

So happy Late Valentines Day Everyone, hope everyone had a good one!! I did other than Shaun is at work this week, so I celebrated it by myself!! But that's okay, we are just thankful he has a Job with this economy right now!

Well, we really haven't been up to much, Shaun's been trying to get the Backyard landscaped so that's pretty exciting... So far he has got the hole's dug for the Sprinkler system, and the pipes and stuff are all laying in the whole, waiting for him to get back from work and finish that part up!!! He's awesome, I'm so glad he is able to Landscape are yard for us!!
We went to the Hinder and Theory of a Dead man Concert last weekend!!! It was sooo much fun, we went with a Bunch of are Friends!! Sorry I only have a couple pictures of it and they are pretty far away!! Oh well, it was an awesome concert!! Well that's really all we have been up to I know pretty Boring!:( I just can't wait for it to warm up!!

Theory of a Deadman
Some of the Crew before the Concert
Shaun and I
Are friend Dave-It was his B-day his wife suprised him w/ us at Texas Roadhouse and Hinder Tickets!! He was Shocked!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Valentine's Tag!!

Answer the questions about your sweetheart…

*What is your husband’s name?
Shaun Sherman Albrecht

*How long have you been married?
Almost 5 Months

*How long did you date?
8 Months

*Who eats more sweets?
He does 4 sure!! But it doesn't show! HAHA Not FAIR

*Who said I love you first?
I think I did? I remember where and when it was though:)

*Who is taller?
He is, but barley

*Who can sing best?
Well niether of us, but Shaun is pretty good!

*Who is smarter?
Ummm, it depends on what we are talking about!! HAHA

*Who does laundry?
I DO!! But he does his Greasers every week!! I won't do them, and he has to go to the laundry matt for those!

*Who pays bills?

*Who sleeps on the right side?
He does... but if you ask him he'll say, I sleep all over the place!! HAHA

*Who mows the lawn?
The HOA people!! But when we get the back yard finished he probably will!!

*Who cooks diner?
I usually do, he helps all the time though!

*Who drives?
He does sometimes.....But I am the worst back seat driver!! He does not pay attention to the road, he scares me!!!

*Who is first to admit they are wrong?
Umm usually him!! I'm never wrong! LOL

*Who kissed who first?
Pretty sure it just happened?!?

*Who asked who out first?
He asked me out

*Who wears the pants?
I DO!! Of course!! I try not too, but that's just how it goes right?!?

~I LOVE ya BABA, thanks for being the BEST!!!


Thursday, January 15, 2009