Thursday, September 30, 2010


 Wow, time is sure going by way to fast! I wish I had more time to spend with Treyson.. I start back to work on Monday, I can not believe it is already time! :(  You poor little thing had to get your shots too, since you are 2 months old.. You did really good, you cried for a couple minutes and just pulled your cute little sad face! I need to capture a picture of your sad face! HAHA It is such a sad look, but so cute and funny at the same time!

Weighing in at 10 Pounds 4 Inches 23 Inches Long
Such a Happy Boy!

You absoulutly LOVE your bath time now. At first I didn't think that day would ever come!

OH, I guess I have captured one of your sad face's! But there is cuter than this one!
I put you in the Bumbo for the first time today! You are such a strong boy, you hold your self up so well!!

1 comment:

The Clampets said...

Oh my gosh I can't believe how much he looks like Shaun! What a Handsome little Boy! Can't wait to see him!